Sunday 2 March 2014

Lithography workshop

This unit I had the chance to experiment with lithography which was the first time I have ever done it. I am pleased with the outcome, it was a rather long process but definitely worth it! I really enjoyed this 3 days workshop, I felt I was working like Toulouse Lautrec! I'm looking forward working on this again.

Circle Line tube journey

The final outcomes of this Narrative unit is a set of 3 concertina books illustrating a tube journey on the Circle Line in London; each book represents a different aspect of the same journey. One of them focus on the relationship built with people I observed during the journey and how they spend their time while travelling. The second concertina book is about the sonority of the tube, where the use of shapes and different medias are metaphors of sounds, announcement and conversations. The third book focuses on the passage of the crowd throughout the journey, the space occupied either in a busy or quiet way where the sensation of being confined is manipulated by the format of the page. The protagonist here is the space where these 3 factors play an important role; they move the story from one point to the other.

London- Old Spitalfields market

Here are some sketchbook pages from the time I went to the Spitalfields market early morning! I recorded the venders getting their stands ready for  the market. It was interesting to see the space filling up so quickly, people were rushing to get their marchandises ready for the customers. 

Flower market under the rain

Friday 21 February 2014

London Trip

Here are some sketchbook pages from the London Trip on the 12th of February. I have been in the National Portrait Gallery which was a very good place to draw as there are many things to draw from observation. I also drew in the Tube, which I might consider to develop for the final piece. 

Wimborne Market

During this project I have been working on location as a reportager. My aim of this project is to prove that narrative is everywhere. Stories are everywhere, I believe that everything has potentially a narrative. I have been to many places such as Acting classes rehearsals and performances, Markets in London and Wimborne, Tube Journey, Museums, Café's,... documenting people in these different places. I am fascinated by people in general, they are the main subject of these narratives.

Here are some sketchbook pages from the Wimborne Market.